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学术报告《Hulls of generalized Reed-Solomon codes via Goppa Codes and Their Applications to Quantum Codes》

发布日期:2022/11/13 点击量:



报告题目:Hulls of generalized Reed-Solomon codes via Goppa Codes and Their Applications to Quantum Codes

报告摘要:A Goppa code over F_{q^m} is a well-known subclass of algebraic error-correcting code. If m=1, then it is a generalized Reed-Solomon(GRS) code and its dual code is called a GRS code via a Goppa code. In this talk, we give a necessary and sufficient condition that the dual codes of GRS codes via (expurgated) Goppa codes are also GRS codes via Goppa codes. Under the above condition, we show that the hulls of GRS codes via Goppa codes are still GRS codes via Goppa codes. As an application, we characterize LCD GRS codes and self-dual GRS codes under the above condition. Some numerical examples are also presented to illustrate our main results. Moreover, we also apply our result to entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes (EAQECCs) and obtain two new families of MDS EAQECCs with arbitrary parameters.


岳勤,南京航空航天大学数学系教授,博士生导师。1996-1999中国科技大学数学系,博士,导师冯克勤教授,并获得中国科学院研究生经理优秀奖学金。2000年1月-2002年1月,进入复旦大学数学所做博士后。主要研究方向为代数数论、代数K理论和代数编码密码理论,发表SCI论文100余篇,其中包括:J. Reine Angew. Math., Math. Z, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory等刊物;多次获批科研基金项目,其中主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项和国际合作项目2项。曾多次被邀请在国内外重要数学会议上做一小时学术报告;受邀出境访学十余次,先后访问台湾中央研究院数学所、意大利物理中心、台湾大学数学所、韩国高级科学技术学院,香港大学等地。






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